Another year has gone, and with this transition into 2020 we also say goodbye to another decade. Making this New Years feel especially important, or at least note worthy.
The usual questions come to mind to me with this transitionary time of year. Contemplations about the successes of my past year. Wondering how I can build on the tools or skills acquired to take advantage of all that 2020 could hold.
The scariest question: How will I be more accountable to myself this year?
Accountability has been a word that’s circulated my mind time and time again. Wanting to ensure that I follow through on my commitments to self, that I show up when I say I’m supposed to. My short comings tend to be in the online capacity where I inconsistently interact. For a while, I’m interested and engaged with my online community. Then something pulls me away, I feel nervous about how to step back in. Will people notice my absence?
I’ve challenged myself to not be so nervous or scared to just hop in there. Don’t overthink, just show up consistently to my community.
Other big 2020 goals are simple:
1) DOUBLE my artwork sales
Which sounds scary, but is something I think is achievable with consistent effort.
2) Try new methods of communication and engagement.
Video is going to be playing a bigger role in my communication and how I show my artwork and creative process. If the image is worth a thousand words, I’m sure video must be worth twice that.
3) Create artwork that scares me.
I’m not going to be intimidated to create artwork that’s large, that’s different from my past, or that scares me in any other way. This new year is going to be about bravery in all aspects, but especially in the studio.
Opening reception for Claire Browne & Isaac Watamaniuk, Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, Toronto. January of 2019.
Detail from Ghost Flora, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2019.
I feel really fortunate to be able to create artwork and share it with so many people in different ways.
This past year had a lot to be thankful for. I was in a show at Cedar Ridge Creative Centre where I went to art camp and learned so much. It was incredible to come back there as an exhibiting artist. Then in the summer being fortunate enough to exhibit again at the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair. This was a hot weekend, complete with July thunder showers, yet the crowds and art fans still showed up in droves. (You can read more about TOAF 2019 on my blog post). Plus all the behind the scenes victories with advancements in the studio and personal achievements as well.
All the good and memorable moments of this past year makes me hopeful that 2020 will have even more success and positive experiences to come.
I’m excited to embark on the journey of a new year, a new decade. I feel even more fortunate to be able to share some of this art journey and joy with you.